Emily Sorlien

I believe we are all facets of divinity, each of us connected to one another by the unifying mycelial web of spirit. I serve and uplift folks awakening to the isolating, disconnecting mythology of hyper-individualism as we collectively move toward the goal of liberation.

My job as a tarot reader and astrologer is to guide you toward remembering the answers to your questions which already lie latent in your own magnificent being. I’ve spent years honing my craft, distilling my relationship to the plants, the cards and the stars so that I may serve as a humble vessel for their intelligence. I don’t claim to possess any profound or unique wisdom of my own. Instead I offer an extra set of eyes and skilled hands to help you tease out the gilded threads of truth and knowing already woven into your life’s tapestry.

My sessions foster mutually beneficial, symbiotic relationships between you and your chosen people as you work toward coming into deeper alignment with yourself. Whether we are conscious of it or not, our ancestors live in our bones and play out familiar stories through our bodies. We exist inside spiritual ecosystems teeming with ensouled beings — both incarnate and immaterial — each with their own agendas and abilities. As a spiritual guide, I empower my clients to be discerning, set appropriate boundaries and communicate effectively with their folks — living, dead or otherwise.

Our ability to create the worlds we want to live in is in direct proportion to our ability to imagine them — not as some far off fantasy, but as if they are already here. I’m an enthusiastic cheerleader when it comes to living out your most authentic values and desires in the here and now. My grounded, earthy Capricorn-ness creates a solid container for you to pour your wildest dreams into as we envision concrete ways of integrating them into your present reality. 

Feeling nervous-excited to birth new worlds into being? 

Educational experiences

Specific Herbs for Specific Organs Systems, Matthew Wood, 2024
Materia Medica, Sajah Popham, 2022 – 2024
Deep Dive with the Behenian Fixed Stars, Luz Peuscovich, 2023 – 2024
The League of Stars, week long art + astrology residency in Skroponeria, Greece with Luz Peuscovich, 2023
Herbal Foundations Level 2, Mary Blue + Guest Speakers, 2022-2023
Shop Internship, Farmacy Herbs, 2022- 2023
Learning How to Know, Sara Mastros, 2022-2023
Ego 101, Hanna Williams, 2023
Herbal Farm Internship, Mary Blue, Farmacy Herbs, 2022
Herbal Foundations Level 1, Mary Blue, 2022
Reading the Body Intensive, Margi Flint, 2022
Astro Herbalism, Sajah Popham, 2022
Unbreakable Bonds Workshop, Amaya Rourke, 2022
Algol Workshop, Amaya Rourke, 2022
Myth + Mycelium, Sophie Strand, 2022
Love Exalted Workshop, Ari Felix, 2022
6 Week Somatic Trauma Healing Training, Luis Mojica, 2022
Year-long 1:1 Somatic Coaching Intensive, grey doolin, 2021 – 2022
Magical Elections, Keplar College, Nina Gryphon, 2021
Exploring the Decans NORWAC Workshop, Austin Coppock, 2021
Hermetic Medical Astrology NORWAC Workshop, Demetra George, 2021
Celestea Natura, Sarah Corbett + Diana Rose Harper, 2021
AstroMagia, online conference attendee, 2021
NORWAC, online conference attendee, 2021
The Astrology Podcast, Chris Brennan + Guests, 2020 – present
Skeleton Key, Abigail Rose Clark, 2019
Tarot for the Wild Soul, Lindsay Mack, 2019
Hawthorn Heart, Poplar Rose, 2018
BFA Painting + Printmaking, Rhode Island College, 2014​

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